Lessons learned from implementing HPV self-testing to address cervical cancer screening disparities among Somali patients in primary care.

April 24th


Dr Rachel Winer and Dr Rebekah Pratt will be presenting on the Isbaar Project, one of the first implementations of HPV self-testing, an option for cervical cancer screening, into routine primary care in the US. This project aimed to address cervical cancer screening disparities among Somali patients, and to learn about the experience of implementing HPV self-testing practices in primary care for all patients. 

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Presenter Bios: 

Dr. Winer is a Professor and Research Director of Epidemiology at the University of Washington School of Public Health and an Affiliate Scientific Investigator at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute.Her  research interests are in the epidemiology and prevention of human papillomavirus (HPV) infections and HPV-related cancers, with a focus on strategies for increasing uptake and effectiveness of cervical cancer screening and evaluating the impact of HPV vaccines.

Dr. Pratt is an Associate Professor and Interim Vice Chair for Research at the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, and co-Associate Director of Community Outreach and Engagement at the Masonic Cancer Center at the University of Minnesota. Her research interests include reducing cancer disparities, particularly among immigrant communities, and community engaged approaches to research. She has been conducting community engaged research in partnership with the Somali community over the past 12 years.


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